RE Codes
Question: Can the Army Discharge Review Board change my Reentry Eligibility (RE) code?
Answer: The RE code (Reentry Eligibility code) is determined by the reason for separation, not the character of separation.
According to Army Regulation 601-210 (Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program), the Reentry Eligibility (RE) code can only be changed if an incorrect code was entered. For this type of correction, please send a letter and a copy of your DD Form 214 to the following address requesting the correction:
US Army Human Resources Command
Attention: Retention Branch (AHRC-EPF)
1600 Spearhead Division Drive, Dept 365
Fort Knox, KY 40121
The RE code is not upgraded to allow enlistment. Soldiers separated with an RE-3 or RE-4 code must seek a waiver from a recruiter to enlist. Depending on the type of discharge and disqualification, a waiver may not be possible.
If however, a former Soldier can provide evidence that the RE code is an error or unjust, the former Soldier may apply to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records for a correction of the RE code. If the former Soldier can provide evidence that their discharge character or reason for discharge issued in the last 15 years are erroneous or unjust, the former Soldier can apply to the Army Discharge Review Board for a discharge review and request that their RE code be changed according to the correct reason for discharge.
The former Soldier may complete an online application at and send the signature page and evidence as instructed by the online program ' or - may print a blank DD Form from the Army Review Boards Agency website at fill in the requested information, and mail it to the address shown on the reverse of the form. Please provide copies of all relevant military records in your possession and any evidence to support your request.