Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Re-enlistment Eligibility Code Details
Former Soldiers who were discharged solely for being homosexual may apply to re-enter the Armed Forces. There is no need to request a change of the RE Code from the ADRB or ABCMR if the former Soldier received an honorable discharge. All they have to do is see an Army recruiter.
They will be evaluated according to the same criteria and Service requirements applicable to all prior-service members seeking re-entry into the military. There will be no preferential treatment for service members separated solely under 10 U.S. Code, section 654 and its implementing regulations. They will be processed as any other re-accession applicant under Service policies. Services shall continue to consider a service member's previous performance and disciplinary record when determining suitability for re-entry.
The Services will waive re-entry codes on DD Forms 214 that are based upon separations under 10 U.S. Code, section 654 and its implementing regulations. Applicants will then be processed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Service policies. For example, former Soldiers who were separated with an honorable discharge (or an uncharacterized discharge for those occurring during initial training), and who have a separation code in their records reflecting a separation under 10 U.S. Code, section 654 and its implementing regulations, shall be considered for re-entry according to the most favorable re-entry classification.
The Army's operational requirements will continue to dictate re-accession criteria.
For questions on enlistment, please contact an Army recruiter.